제목 | [0411] Specials of Fantasy Movies! | 작성자 | 폰폰관리자 |
★ 매주 토요일, 추억의 영화와 함께하고 있습니다. 제 1 탄은 ‘사관과 신사, 여인의 향기, 사랑과 영혼’ Romantic Movies 였죠! 제 2 탄은 전쟁영화 War Movies... ‘지옥의 묵시록, 플래툰, 진주만’ 과 함께 했습니다. 제 3탄은 배트맨, 슈퍼맨, 스파이더맨~ the hero of our times 우리시대의 영웅들! Man Series 였습니다, 오늘 영화음악 4탄은 바로 the movies of fantasy, ‘Star Wars, 별들의 전쟁’ ‘Harry Porter’, 그리고 ‘반지의 제왕 The Lord of Rings’~!!! 환타지 영화 특집입니다~ 오늘 메시지는 여러분이 좋아하는 Movie title, 영화 제목! Movie Star, 영화배우! 받아보겠습니다 다음 주 주제 선정에 참고할테니까요, 휴대폰 문자 #1045 또는 인터넷 반디로, 팍팍 보내주세요~! ★ 오늘도 할리우드에서 날아온 Effect Man, Anthony의 연기를 들으실 수 있습니다! 스크립트를 미리 공개할게요~! + Scene1 : STAR WARS (우주의 평화를 지킨다) Luke Skywalker has returned to his home the planet of Tatooine in an attempt to rescue his friend Han Solo from the clutches of the vile gangster Jabba the Hutt. Little does Luke know that the GALACTIC EMPIRE has secretly begun construction on a new armored space station even more powerful than the first dreaded Death Star. When completed, this ultimate weapon will spell certain doom for the small band of Rebels struggling to restore freedom to the galaxy... + Scene2 : LORD OF THE RINGS (골룸 역) SETTING-- Imagine an object so powerful that you would be willing to kill you own brother for it. An object that although will drive you to insanity, you can't see to let go of it. "Gollum" -- My Precious. Murderer, Murderer, they called us. They cursed us and drove us away. Gollum---Gollum. We wept to be alone with our precious. OHHH Look, a tasty cool fish, UMMMMM MRGMRGMRGMRG, so juicy sweet. WHO AM I???????? arggggggg, MY PRECIOUS + Scene3 : LORD OF THE RINGS (FRODO 역) Setting -- Frodo suddenly finds himself on the stone steps...he clambers up the stairs, onto a high seat, perched on four stone pillars. Frodo cowers on the seat, like a lost child upon the throne of mountain kings. The world of mist swirls around him. Frodo peers out from the seat...the world seems to shrink. FRODO-- I know what you would say, and it would seem like wisdom but for the warning of my heart. The ring is too powerful for man. You say you want to protect me, but can you protect yourself from the ring. Would you have gone to the ends, to the fires of Mordor?? Please look after SAM, I must now go on alone. + Scene4 : HARRY POTTER SETTING-- Harry sneaks in a closet Magical objects surround him: A CLOCK displays different chores for each family member. A pair of NEEDLES knit a sweater by themselves. And a stack of PLAYING CARDS that. A stack of PLAYING CARDS SHUFFLE themselves. HARRY-- Oh my gosh this is wonderful, magical objects everywhere. we better not get caught here. But I think I will borrow this cool wand. Abra Ka Dabra buzzzzzzzzzzz. At that moment his best friend turns into a frog. HARRY-- Oh WOWWWWWWWW, this is the coolest thing, I turned you into a frog. OH I have to get me one of these!!!!!! Watch out TEACHERS here I come!!! |
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